About Me

My photo
Brooklyn, NY
I'm a multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, songwriter, composer, and audio engineer. I play and teach guitar, keys, bass guitar, and I really wish I could find time for drums. I earned a Bachelor of Music degree and a Master's in Music Production and Technology from Berklee. I was born in Texas, schooled in Boston, and now live in Brooklyn where I'm working as a private guitar and piano teacher, a freelance composer, a sound editor/mixer, and a writer/performer. My latest project is a psychedelic british blues punk rock n roll outfit called Sneaky Legend.

e: natemorganmusic@gmail.com

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Music for Short Film

This is a Midi orchestral arrangement of Bach's Toccata in D minor that I created for a short film about Stanley Kubrick.

Fixedcue1 v4 by nato

Play it Soft, then Loud

This is my live acoustic performance of "Homesick Alien" by Radiohead...

Alien (cover) by nato

Play it Loud

This is a live performance by my recently dissolved instrumental "analog rock" band Madame Psychosis of our song "Defect". Good times.
Christian Reinhardsen- Drums
Justin Miller- Bass
Ryan Casey- Synths
Me- Guitar

Defect by nato

Music for 30 second TV Spots

This is a 30 second music spot that I composed and produced for a Smirnoff Vodka commercial.

Smirnoff by nato

Friday, May 28, 2010

Music for Corporate Video Conference

This is a piece I composed and produced to video for a conference put on by T-System.

EV Conference by nato

Music for Short Film

This is another midi orchestration of Bach for the Stanley Kubrick short with an alternate ending that I wrote to better sync with picture.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Music for In House Video

This is a two-part piece I did to video for VF Outlet- a clothing outlet chain. The introduction is epic orchestral and the rest is "poppy fun". I wrote and produced this in about a day, and got to break in my new Jaguar bass.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Music for Documentary Film

This is one of a few cues that I wrote and produced for Brownstones to Red Dirt, a documentary that premiered in NYC in November.

Turnaround - original film music cue by nato


This is a track that I created with Reason using a lot of customized synth sounds and sequenced beats.

untitled by nato

Piano music

This is a short piece for 3 pianos that I wrote, performed, and recorded- probably inspired by Philip Glass.

pianos by nato

Vocals/Acoustic (cover)

This is "Motion Picture Soundtrack" by Radiohead- I arranged it for acoustic guitar, performed and recorded it live.

motion picture soundtrack- cover by nato

Electronic (cover)

This is a drum and synth track that I sequenced for a cover version of "Idioteque" by Radiohead.

Idioteque by nato

Action/Game Music

This is music that I wrote for a kind of montage "preparing for battle" scene- perhaps Hans Zimmer inspired. I used Logic and EastWest's orchestral sampler. I wrote this piece for an orchestra of the size used in the early-romantic period. I sequenced each note and percussion hit individually using a large array of orchestral samples. It features a number of percussion instruments including a scraped tamtam or gong @ 1:38, creating a haunting ambient effect.

Battleprep by nato

First Project - film music cue

This is my first personal attempt to write, sequence, and produce music intended for film. I chose Danny Elfman's title music for Edward Scissorhands as a source of inspiration, and his original score is included in the second pass for comparison. I wrote, sequenced, and produced the music using Digital Performer and the Mach Five sampler. The major elements I used were the choir aah's and the celesta to evoke a dream-like fantasy.